#BodyWeightTuesday- No. 7

You do not need a fancy gym to find some extra room for fitness. Try these at home, work, with friends, alone, ANY way you choose! Here is....
Number 7: Slide Plank

What It Does: Strengthens your external obliques (the muscles on the side of your waistline)

How to Do It: Lie on your right side with both legs straight and feet stacked one on top of the other. Bend your right elbow and prop yourself up, keeping that elbow directly under your shoulder and your forearm on the floor. With your head and spine aligned, engage your abdominals as you lift your hips and knees off the floor. Your left arm can remain by your side or held straight up toward the ceiling. Hold for 20 seconds (or a comfortable amount of time for you) and return to your starting position. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat two more times before switching sides.

Be careful not to…soften your abdominals. Keeping them contracted and engaged will help you lift your hips and remain sturdy and balanced.


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