Antioxidant of the Day: Lutein and Zeathanxin



Lutein and zeathanxin, found in orange peppers, corn, and even egg yolks, reduce risk for age-related macular degeneration and cognitive decline.

Delicata is known as a winter squash because it stores well through the cold months when not much is growing; however, the first delicata squashes are harvested in late summer. 

What's the difference between winter squash and summer squash? In short, the skin!

Summer squash is harvested while the squash is immature and the skin is soft and delicious. Winter squash is harvested later in the season after the skin has thickened, increasing its storage capabilities to get us through the long winter months. 

Delicata is one of a few special winter squashes that lasts through the winter, but has skin soft enough to enjoy, which makes it so much easier and quicker to prepare. No peeling or scooping required!


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