B is for....

“You need a healthy blood pressure!” Fabulous, but what does that even mean? If you have ever seen a blood pressure reading you know it looks like a fraction, for example: 120/80mm Hg. The top number of this important fraction is your systolic pressure. Systolic pressure refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries during the contraction of your heart muscle. The bottom number measures when your heart is in between beats, your diastolic pressure.

Here are 3 tips to support healthy blood pressure:
  1.  Reduce sodium. When you can, avoid heavily processed food and try to reduce or eliminate adding any additional salt to your meals. Sodium has been linked to increasing blood pressure.
  2. Managing stress is another great way to maintain a healthy blood pressure. Stressors can often cause blood pressure to increase. If you find that you are someone who has a spike in blood pressure in stressful situations, consider yoga or meditation.
  3. Exercise supports so many avenues of health and wellness. It does not have to be extreme exercise regimes. Research shows that walking has many health benefits including lowering blood pressure.
Regardless of how you choose to maintain a healthy blood pressure, keep it a priority! If you plan to many any dramatic changes to your lifestyle always consult your doctor first.


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