Staying Active for Busy People in the Summer: Tips and Ideas

Summer is a fantastic time to enjoy the great outdoors, but it can be tough to stay active when you have a busy schedule. When you're juggling work, family, and other commitments, finding time for exercise is challenging. Luckily, there are ways to stay active, even when you’re short on time. Here are some tips and ideas to help you fit more movement into your summer days.

Take Advantage of Early Mornings or Late Evenings 

Mornings are often the coolest part of the day during summer, making them perfect for getting some exercise before your schedule heats up. Here are a few ideas:

  • Go for a Walk or Run: Start your day with a brisk walk or run around your neighborhood. It's a great way to wake up and get your heart pumping.
  • Do Some Yoga: Find a quiet spot in your home or yard and do a 20-minute yoga routine. Yoga can help you stretch, strengthen, and relax your body.
  • Bike Ride: If you have a bike, take it for a spin in the early morning. It’s a fun way to see your community and enjoy the fresh air.

Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Routine

You don’t always need a separate workout session to stay active. Try to incorporate movement into your daily routine:

  • Walk or Bike to Work: If possible, ditch the car and walk or bike to work. This not only keeps you active but also helps the environment.
  • Take the Stairs: Skip the elevator and take the stairs whenever you can. It's a simple way to get your legs moving.
  • Desk Exercises: If you have a desk job, take some 2-minute breaks to do some stretches or simple exercises like leg lifts or seated marches.

Make the Most of Lunch Breaks

Lunch breaks offer another opportunity to squeeze in some physical activity:

  • Short Walks: Use part of your lunch break to take a short walk. Even 10-15 minutes of walking can make a difference.
  • Quick Workouts: Do a quick workout in your office or a nearby park. Bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups don’t require any equipment.
  • Stop, Drop & Move: LiveWell offers a gentle movement break each Tuesday from 12-12:15pm. Quick enough so you still have time to eat, sessions are also recorded for viewing any time. Join our Teams Channel so these will be automatically added to your calendar.

Exercise with Your Family and Friends

Involving people in your fitness routine can make staying active more fun and rewarding:

  • Family Walks or Hikes: Go for evening walks or bike ride together. It’s a great way to bond and get some exercise.
  • Play Sports Together: Have a family game of soccer, basketball, or frisbee in the backyard or at a local park.
  • Dance Parties: Have a dance party at home. Put on some music and dance around the living room. It’s fun and gets everyone moving.
  • Join a Sports League: Many communities offer summer sports leagues for adults. Whether it’s softball, soccer, or volleyball, joining a team can be a fun way to stay active.
  • Workout Buddies: Find a friend or coworker to exercise with. Having a workout buddy can keep you accountable and make exercise more fun.
  • Fitness Meetups: Look for fitness meetups or groups in your area. Many cities have groups that meet for walks, runs, or other activities.

Take Advantage of Outdoor Activities

Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy our beautiful state through outdoor activities:

  • Swimming: Swimming is a fantastic full-body workout. Whether it’s at a pool, lake, or beach, take some time to swim and cool off.
  • Water Sports: Try water sports like kayaking, paddleboarding, or canoeing. These activities are fun and great for your upper body and core strength.
  • Gardening: Gardening can be a surprisingly good workout. Digging, planting, and weeding all involve physical effort.
  • Other hobbies or household activities: Similar to gardening, so many hobbies include an active component. Mushroom foraging, bird watching, agility training with your dog all keep you moving!

Staying active in the summer doesn’t have to be difficult, even if you have a busy schedule. By making small changes and finding creative ways to move, you can fit exercise into your daily routine. Remember, every little bit counts, and staying active will help you feel better and enjoy the summer even more. So get out there, have fun, and stay active!


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