
Instead of setting New Year's resolutions, try choosing One Word as your intention for the upcoming year! 

As we move into the New Year, many people set New Years Resolutions. While this works for some, the majority struggle to stick with it beyond February! We recently discovered a concept that switched our thinking away from setting a New Years resolution and towards something much simpler, more forgiving, and for us, more effective. We chose a #OneWord to guide us through the year ahead. 

The theory behind identifying a single guiding word is that it points us towards the type of person that we want to become. And unlike a resolution, a single word can’t be broken. Choose a word that resonates with you and the 2022 version of yourself. 

Here are a few examples of some celebrity #OneWord selections of 2021. Kanye West chose ‘Beautify’ last year, Rihanna chose ‘Faith’ and Beyonce chose ‘Surrender’. If you are still looking for inspiration, take the What’s Your Word quiz.

Then share your #OneWord with us! We would love to see your inspiration. 


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