Feeling anxious??

Feeling a little anxious or scattered with the transition to Fall? You are NOT ALONE!! Luckily, yoga has been known to help ease stress, reduce feelings of nervousness, and enhance mindfulness. For these reasons, yoga can be a great tool during this time where many things are changing at once and feelings of anxiety can be extreme. 

When you’re anxious, your mind can get carried away with worrying about things that might happen, and that actually makes you feel worse and can cause other symptoms, like insomnia. Meditation teaches people certain skills that can help counteract that tendency, like staying in the moment, recognizing worried thoughts when they’re happening, and preventing them from getting worse. If you are not interested in meditation, perhaps practicing a few simple grounding poses can help!

1st Chakra - Muladhara

“Mula” (root) “Adhara” (support)

Aka the root/base chakra. It is associated with primordial instincts such as our sense of smell and need for stability in our lives. This includes our basic needs for food, water, and shelter as well as our emotional needs for love and support. It is the first chakra and known as our grounding chakra. Focusing on poses that strengthen the Muladhara Chakra can help ground us during anxious times. 

When Balanced: You feel grounded, supported, thriving emotionally and physically, stable and secure
When UNbalanced: You feel emotional instability, anxiety, flustered

To balance: practice grounding activities such as a nature walk, gardening, or spend time with people that ground you. Poses include: Vrksasana (tree pose), Malasana (squatting pose), Tadasana (Neutral Standing)

Element: Earth - physical and emotional grounding

Balancing Essential Oil: Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Cinnamon

Balancing gemstones/crystals: Garnet, bloodstone, black tourmaline


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