Wholesome Wave Webinar!


We’re hosting a webinar!

Event Title: Produce Prescription Programs Then & Now: Implications for Health & Systems Improvement

Date: Monday, June 21 @ 2:00 - 3:30 pm EST

Come join an interactive webinar, Produce Prescription Programs Then & Now: Implications for Health & Systems Improvement, to learn first-ever findings and recommendations on research of U.S. produce prescription programs from 2010 - 2020!

This new report and interactive maps were commissioned by Wholesome Wave and prepared by DAISA Enterprises to further the evidence-base and policy-change potential for investment in food & health systems through the produce prescription model. In addition to research highlights, invited speakers will share context, field evolution, and opportunities to advance equity, program, and policy aims.

Check out the Executive Summary!

Registration Link: Registration Page

If you are unable to attend this webinar but would like a recording afterward, please contact: communications@wholesomewave.org


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