Types of Fat

Fat is a powerful source of energy for the body. However, our body can utilize some fats more than others. Below are the four basic types of fats:


Monounsaturated fat is a good source of fat for the body. It can be found in natural oils and plant products. Almonds, avocados, and olive oils are all a good source of monounsaturated fats.

Polyunsaturated Fat

Polyunsaturated fat is the next best. This fat can be found in light oils for plant and fish. Walnuts, fish, seeds, and canola oil provide this fat and omega 3 fatty acids. Our body cannot produce this fat, so it is good to incorporate it in your diet.

Saturated Fat

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and generally in animal-based foods. This fat is not so good for you and can be reduced by trimming extra fat off meat and drinking skim milk instead of whole.

Trans Fat

Trans fats are hydrogenated fats in processed foods. Deep fried foods, crust, and processed desserts typically contain trans fat. Trans fat is the least beneficial type of fat and should be avoided when possible.


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