Heat Wave in Vermont!


Hot Weather Health Advisory

The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for the Champlain Valley beginning Saturday, and for all of Vermont for Sunday and Monday. High temperatures are forecast to be in the 90s in many locations from Saturday through most of next week, with the forecasted heat index exceeding 100 degrees F on Sunday and Monday.


This level of heat is rarely experienced in Vermont, and will increase the risk for heat illnesses or exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions. Vermont data indicates that emergency department visits for heat-related illnesses begin to increase when temperatures reach the mid- to upper-80°s, with impacts getting progressively worse as temperatures rise through the 90°s.


Populations most affected

Individuals who are generally at higher risk for heat-related health impacts include: older adults, young children, homeless people, outdoor workers and hobbyists, pregnant women, people who are overweight, those with chronic medical conditions, disabilities or mental illness, people using recreational drugs or alcohol, and those using certain prescription medications. Risk is further elevated for those who live alone or do not have air conditioning. Dehydration and hot living conditions are the major concerns for these populations.


If you work outside or manage outdoor workers, please consider the following:

  • Provide all workers with water, rest breaks, and shade.
  • Establish a policy for modifying or cancelling strenuous activities on hot days.
  • Make sure that you and your workers can recognize symptoms of heat illnesses and are looking out for each other: https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/warning.html
  • Have an emergency plan in place for providing medical attention in the event of a serious heat illness.
  • For more resources on protecting your workers from heat illnesses, please visit www.osha.gov/heat/index.html.


For more information about risk factors, symptoms and safety tips: healthvermont.gov/climate/heat  Safety tips are available in English plus Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Kirundi, Nepali, Somali and Spanish.


National Weather Service Hazardous Weather Outlook:  www.weather.gov/btv/ehwo

Questions? ­Call the Vermont Department of Health/Environmental Health at 802-863-7220.


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