3-Part Yoga Breathing for Destressing

Breathing is like a magic reset button for destressing, and 3-Part Yoga Breathing is one of many ways you can harness the power of your breath to release tension.

This special way of breathing does amazing things for your mind and body. It makes you calm, chases away stress, and helps you focus. Best of all, you can do it anywhere, with no equipment, and nobody has to know when you're practicing it!

It's simple yet powerful! Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, close your eyes if it feels good, and breathe in slowly, sending breath to three areas in your abdomen in one inhale:

First, imagine that you're filling up a balloon in your belly. When that balloon is filled, allow your ribs to expand out to each side. When you have no more room to fill up sideways, feel your chest rise as the last few sips of air top you off.

With all three areas filled, pause and hold this breath for a brief moment.

Then, let it all out together. Feel the bad vibes release as you let everything go. Repeat this breath a few times in a row, noticing how you feel before and after.

Now you're ready to let your breath be your guide to feeling lighter, freer, and happier!


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