Snack Smarter
Maybe you’re bored, or stressed, or need a mood picker-upper, or just hungry between meals, or too busy to eat regular meals. These are some of the reasons why people snack. Once considered to be a special between-meal treat, snacking is now the norm, occurring anytime, anywhere. Today, nearly all Americans snack daily and as many as 50% say they snack two or three times a day.
With snacking now the new normal, it’s important to ensure that foods and beverages consumed as snacks contribute to, not jeopardize, your health. The following are 5 tips to help you snack smart.
Snack mindfully, not mindlessly. This means being aware of what and why you’re eating. Before diving into your favorite snack, take a moment to decided if you are truly hungry or if you are reaching for something because you are bored, stressed or feeling emotional. If you are truly hungry choose a nutritious snacks such as string cheese, fruit, or low fat popcorn in an attempt to snack mindfully!
Select protein-rich foods such as nuts, hard boiled eggs, and lean meats snacks. Emerging research suggests that increasing protein intake contributes to a feeling of fullness, which could help prevent overeating.
Pay attention to portion sizes and avoid oversized portions of snacks. Measure out a proper serving instead of munching straight from the bag, keep snack-size bags on hand to use when making your own snacks, and/or buy pre-prepared, single-serve snack packages.
Choose an occasional indulgent snack wisely. It is ok to indulge every now and then! Plan for these moments and make it a mindful decision!
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