When speaking to someone in crisis:

  1. Ask direct questions

    Even though it's hard, ask a person directly if they’re thinking about suicide.

  2. Listen to their answers

    People with suicidal thoughts often feel alone, so be sure to let them know that you care deeply about what they have to say.

  3. Do a safety check

    If you're concerned for their well-being, try removing anything they could use to harm themselves, such as alcohol, drugs, medications, weapons, and even access to a car.

  4. Don't keep this a secret

    Let them know you’ll help come up with a plan that involves telling a professional who can utilize the many services and resources available to help.

  5. Ensure they seek professional help

    Unless you work in the mental health industry, it's important to suggest they seek additional help from other people, such as a doctor, counselor, psychologist or social worker.


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