10 Tips to Improve Self-Esteem

1. Say: "Stop!" to your inner critic. A good place to start with raising your self-esteem is by learning how to handle, and replace, the voice of your inner critic. Your inner critic can spur you on to get things done or to do things to gain acceptance from the people in your life, but at the same time it can drag your self-esteem down. This inner voice whispers destructive thoughts. One way to stop this is to simply say āStop!ā whenever the critic pipes up in your mind. You can do this by creating a stop-word or stop-phrase. Do not allow your mind to go there. If you feel it happening, refocus your thoughts to something more constructive- like planning what you want to eat for dinner or plan a fun activity for this weekend! 2. Use healthier motivation habits. To make the inner critic less destructive and to raise your self-esteem it certainly helps to have healthy motivation habits such as: Reminding yourself of the benefits . A simple but powerful way to motiv...