
Showing posts from July, 2018

10 Tips to Improve Self-Esteem

1. Say: "Stop!" to your inner critic. A good place to start with raising your self-esteem is by learning how to handle, and replace, the voice of your inner critic. Your inner critic can spur you on to get things done or to do things to gain acceptance from the people in your life, but at the same time it can drag your self-esteem down. This inner voice whispers destructive thoughts. One way to stop this is to simply say ā€œStop!ā€ whenever the critic pipes up in your mind. You can do this by creating a stop-word or stop-phrase. Do not allow your mind to go there. If you feel it happening, refocus your thoughts to something more constructive- like planning what you want to eat for dinner or plan a fun activity for this weekend! 2. Use healthier motivation habits. To make the inner critic less destructive and to raise your self-esteem it certainly helps to have healthy motivation habits such as: Reminding yourself of the benefits . A simple but powerful way to motiv...

Wellness Coaching!

Wellness coaching is done in-house by VT State employees--the staff of LiveWell Vermont State Employees Wellness Program! We have gone through extensive training to become wellness coaches. We are all HIPAA certified and your information is treated as private and confidential. The most important thing to know about coaching is that you drive the process. You define your long-term vision of where you see yourself in terms of your health and wellness. Once you define that vision, you decide on the areas where you want to focus and create your long and short term goals. We, as coaches, help to facilitate the process, asking questions and providing positive feedback and support. We are your ultimate cheerleaders and will never judge you. What can be better than that! It is done telephonically via a conference line and appointments are scheduled so they are convenient for both you and your coach. Coaching times can be adjusted if need be to accommodate your schedule. If you have fu...


INGREDIENTS 1 ripe cantaloupe, sliced 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted 1 small pack (about 450g) feta 2 bunches of kale 1 lemon, zest + juice 1 orange zest + juice DIRECTIONS Heat your grill. Brush the cantaloupe slices with the melted coconut oil, sprinkle with a touch of salt. Place them on the hot grill or pan and let them sizzle for a couple minutes until you get grill marks and the fruit starts to brown, flip and repeat. Set grilled fruit aside. Lightly brush the feta cheese slices with coconut oil, and grill (or brown in a pan). Itā€™ll take about a minute or two each side. Sprinkle kale with a touch of salt and pepper and a light drizzle of coconut oil and place on a pan on the grill (or directly on the pan on the stove). Let it sizzle for about 3 minutes, toss, and let it cook for another minute. Do not shake or toss too much or itā€™ll get too watery. Set aside To make the dressing combine the lemon juice + zest, orange juice +zest, sea salt, coriander and...

Another SUPER easy Laundry Soap & Fabric Softener!

This simple recipe was submitted by Helen Linda, State of Vermont Employee. She has been using this recipe for 5 years and loves how simple and cost effective it is! Thanks for sharing, Helen!! Homemade Laundry Soap Ingredients 3 tbsp Borax 3 tbsp Washing Soda 4 tbsp Dawn (for heavy soil) or Liquid Castille Soap (for sensitive skin) or a combo. 4 cups very hot water Where to get this stuff: Borax and Washing Soda can be found next to each other in the laundry aisle of major grocery stores. Dawn is preferred over other dish washing soaps because it really is the best grease fighter but can certainly be substituted. Castille Soap can be found in any health food store, coop, etc. Dr. Bronnerā€™s is the most popular, probably the cheapest, and likely available even in regular grocery stores and pharmacy stores. Instructions Whisk Borax & Washing Soda into 4 cups very hot water until completely dissolved (I usually micro...

Produce on a a Budget

There is a myth that eating fresh is not affordable. Below are tips on eating fresh on a budget. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables: Pre-cut and already prepared foods have an added cost.   Try doing the prep work at home to save money. Do not hesitate to freeze any fruits or vegetables that might be on the brink of rotting. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store: Avoid the middle aisles of the grocery store to prevent from buying pre-packaged food so you can spend most of your money on fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood and low fat dairy products. Buy frozen produce: Sometimes frozen is cheaper in the grocery store and last longer than fresh produce. Frozen produce has just as many nutrients as fresh, sometime more! Include dried beans and whole grain rice: Beans and whole grain rice can be bought in bulk to cut down on cost.   These food items can be added to include complex carbohydrates and fiber to your meals. Start a garden: Gardens donā€™t have to be la...

Types of Fat

Fat is a powerful source of energy for the body. However, our body can utilize some fats more than others. Below are the four basic types of fats: Monounsaturated Monounsaturated fat is a good source of fat for the body. It can be found in natural oils and plant products. Almonds, avocados, and olive oils are all a good source of monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated fat is the next best. This fat can be found in light oils for plant and fish. Walnuts, fish, seeds, and canola oil provide this fat and omega 3 fatty acids. Our body cannot produce this fat, so it is good to incorporate it in your diet. Saturated Fat Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and generally in animal-based foods. This fat is not so good for you and can be reduced by trimming extra fat off meat and drinking skim milk instead of whole. Trans Fat Trans fats are hydrogenated fats in processed foods. Deep fried foods, crust, and processed desserts typically contai...

Don't miss the chance to know your numbers!

We still have slots at the Biometric Screenings scheduled throughout the summer at various locations! View the Schedule! This is a great opportunity to get a check on your numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar) and learn ways to improve them and your overall health. Early detection is your best prevention!  It is also worth 30 points toward completion of Trimester 2: Green for $50 in the 2018 Wellness: Your Way Incentive Program. Please share this information with employees around your worksite! They can register within the Wellness Portal or by calling 802-828-7308. Reach out to us with any questions!

Roasted Broccoli Parm

Ingredients: 1 medium bunch (about 20oz) broccoli with stems 6 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1 cup homemade or jarred marinara sauce   1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese Directions: Preheat oven to 450Ā°F. Trim about 1 inch off broccoli stems and discard. Slice the broccoli stalks in half lengthwise to have 4 pieces total. Place the broccoli and the garlic cloves on a 9-by-13-inch baking pan and drizzle both sides of the broccoli florets and stems with olive oil. Season both sides with salt and roast cut side up about 10 minutes, until the broccoli is browned on the bottom. Turn the broccoli and garlic and roast an additional 10 minutes until tender and browned and crisp. Top with marinara sauce and mozzarella. Return to the oven and bake until cheese is melted, about 10 minutes. Serves 4 Nutrition Information: Per serving: 168 Calories, 10.5g Fat, 11mg Cholesterol, 397mg ...

Build Your Own Composter

We have been getting a lot of questions about composting recently! This is exciting because it means that you all are thinking more about it šŸ˜Š  For some, this topic may feel overwhelming because it sounds like so much time and effort has to go into trash! But...GOOD does not have to be complicated! In fact, it can be very easy!! This website  is great for the basics.  It breaks down the components and simplifies the science behind composting. Ok, so what is compost?? Compost is a nutrient-rich blend of decomposed organic materials that works wonders for plants. Plus, it's a great way to recycle leftover or unwanted itemsā€”think garden clippings, kitchen scraps, and dry leaves. For a more detailed list of what can be composted check out Green Mountain Compost . As you may know, there are tons of benefits to adding compost to your garden!  Also, there is a variety of devices you can buy to help you process a moderate amount of compost. But, what you...

Heat Wave in Vermont!

  Hot Weather Health Advisory The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for the Champlain Valley beginning Saturday, and for all of Vermont for Sunday and Monday. High temperatures are forecast to be in the 90s in many locations from Saturday through most of next week, with the forecasted heat index exceeding 100 degrees F on Sunday and Monday.   This level of heat is rarely experienced in Vermont, and will increase the risk for heat illnesses or exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions. Vermont data indicates that emergency department visits for heat-related illnesses begin to increase when temperatures reach the mid- to upper-80Ā°s, with impacts getting progressively worse as temperatures rise through the 90Ā°s.   Populations most affected Individuals who are generally at higher risk for heat-related health impacts include: older adults, young children, homeless people, outdoor workers and hobbyists, pregnant women, people who...