2 of 3 of our 3rd Place Recipe Contest Winners!

We had a 3-way tie!

The second of our three 3rd place winners goes to the Lentil Salad with Walnuts and Scallions submitted by Lynn Redd. This lentil recipe merges spices, sauces, lentils and nuts to create a mouthwatering salad. Lynn suggest serving the salad over a bed of salad greens and sprinkling with feta cheese! This lentil salad is perfect for an afternoon gathering or for lunch throughout the week. This recipe can be found on pg 10 of the Employee Recipe Book: SummerEdition. Congratulations, Lynn!

Special thanks to the LiveWell Wellness Ambassadors who voted on all the wonderful recipes submitted by State of Vermont Employees! If you would like to join the team of Wellness Ambassadors and promote wellness at your worksite email your Wellness Team (DHR.LiveWellVermont@vermont.gov).


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