How to Be More Optimistic

Did you know studies have shown that optimistic people have healthier hearts and are better at managing stress? However, looking at the bright side can be easier said than done. Fortunately, even if you don't consider yourself to be an optimist, you can try incorporating these tips to help you live with more positivity!


1.) Have gratitude
Being grateful for the good things in your life will help you feel satisfied. Take an inventory of all the good things around you. Additionally, try to be grateful for the hardships and obstacles because these give you strength and teach you how to persevere, which help you form resilience.

2.) Practice listening.
When you are actively listening, you're taking in more information and knowledge without the distraction of your own thoughts and words. It also can increase your own self-confidence when you show you have respect for others.

3.) Smile more. Frown less. 
When you smile you create a happy and positive environment that draws in others. Frowning, however, shuts people out. Happiness, even small amounts throughout the day, releases serotonin, a chemical in your body that is responsible for maintaining mood balance.  This can make a challenging situation feel more bearable.

4.) Take care of yourself. 
Exercising and eating a healthy diet, can make you feel  better by giving you more clarity, focus, and a naturally positive demeanor.

5.) Understand the past is not your future. 
Don't let past experiences, frustrations, and obstacles prevent you from moving forward with your future.


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