Benefits of Journaling

Journaling can be a great way to relieve stress. Check out these eight reasons why journaling is beneficial.

1.) Mindfulness
Journaling brings you to a state of mindfulness where past frustrations and future anxieties don't seem as overwhelming in the present moment. If your mind tends to wander a lot, journaling will bring your focus to the present allowing you to actively engage with your thoughts.

2.) Achieving Goals and Dreams
Journaling can often include writing about your hopes, goals, and dreams. Writing down your goals signals to your brain that "this is important." This can help your brain form connections and seek out or note opportunities in the future that may help you reach these goals.

3.) Emotional Intelligence
Journaling is an outlet for processing emotions and increases your self-awareness. This will create a familiarity that allows you to better understand what others are experiencing.

4.) Memory Boost
Writing down thoughts, ideas, and memories strengthens your cognitive recall.

5.) Strengthens Your Self-Discipline
Setting aside time to write is an act of discipline. The more you work on this habit, the easier it becomes to make it routine.

6.) Improve Communication Skills
Writing is connected to speaking. Journaling is a form of written communication to yourself.

7.) Healing
Expressive writing is an avenue for healing. By translating an experience into writing, you can induce an emotional release which can relieve stress, lower anxiety, and induce sleep.

8.) Self-Confidence
Journaling about a positive experience allows the brain to relive it. This reaffirms your abilities in the face of self-doubt and can become a catalog of positive experiences that you can look back on. 


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