Tips to Prevent the Cold and Flu

Be proactive this cold and flu season to make your whole life healthier! While getting a flu shot is the most effective way to prevent the flu, there are other strategies you can employ to keep yourself well.


  1. Wash your Hands: Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. Germs can live on surfaces for hours so if someone with the flu coughs and then touches a doorknob, keyboard, or phone, these germs can be picked up by the next person that touches these objects. Washing your hands helps prevent the spread of these germs. If you can't get to a sink. Try an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
  2. Keep up an Aerobic Exercise Routine: Exercise helps increase your body's natural virus-killing cells. By keeping up a regular fitness routine, you're boosting your immune system!
  3. Eat Healthy Foods: Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains will provide you plenty of vitamins and nutrients. This will help boost your immune system and your ability to fight viruses!
  4. Get Enough Sleep: Not getting enough sleep can weaken your immune system which will make you more likely to catch a virus.
  5. Don't Touch Your Face: Cold and flu viruses enter through the eyes, nose, and mouth so touching your face increases your chances of getting sick.


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