Reach Your Goals with the LiveWell Vermont Wellness Portal!

We are in our second month of the New Year, which for many can be a time when the New Year's resolutions begin to go by the wayside. This doesn't have to be true for you, however, as identifying the tools that will help to hold you accountable and motivate you to move forward is the key to long-term success. What tools, you may ask, could help to do that? Why not try ones that are free and accessible to you as a State of Vermont employee? And not only that, tools that have a warm and friendly wellness team behind them to support you along the way!

The LiveWell Vermont wellness portal offers a personalized approach to help keep you engaged and motivated to reach your goals. It combines best-in-class interactive tools and resources, and an incentive platform to empower and motivate you to take charge of your health. You'll be able to access the wellness center from your mobile device, making it more convenient to track your health and wellness goals when you're on the go.

Where Do You Begin?
If you haven't already, create an account on the LiveWell Vermont wellness portal. Click on the "Click here to sing up" button and follow the registration instructions. Need further assistance? Watch the "How to Register" instructional video on the DHR Wellness Site.

Already have a LiveWell Vermont portal account? Great! Have you taken your online Personal Health Assessment? If not, this is the first step to identify your current health status, confirm what you are doing well and identify areas for improvement. You can print various reports based on your Health Assessment results to share with your doctor. Your Health Assessment can also be updated at any time, so you always have the most current health information. What's more? You'll earn an incentive for completing it! Active, permanent State of Vermont employees with State of Vermont insurance will earn $50, and active, permanent employees without State of Vermont insurance will earn 50 points toward wellness drawings! Learn more about the One Life, Live it Well! 2015 Incentive Program.

Get Information that is Relevant to You!
Upon completion of the online Personal Health Assessment you will receive a personalized wellness plan and risk advisor, which highlight the areas to work on and recommend programming, such as educational content and interactive wellness workshops, based on your specific area(s) of risk.

Within the portal, you'll also have a personalized dashboard (homepage), which includes many useful tools that are relevant to your health and wellness goals, such as:
  • Health Log - Enter and track biometric data
  • Progress Reports - Track health and wellness goals
  • Wellness Workshops - Participate in online interactive webinars for weight and stress management, diabetes, nutrition, smoking cessation, high blood pressure and more!
  • Nutrition Tools - Use a food log, recipe assistance, meal plans and assess nutritional needs
  • Exercise Tools - View a physical activity log, exercise and fitness plans and demos of exercises
  • Wellness Experts - Get answers to your fitness and nutrition questions from wellness experts via secure messaging (found in the image rotator on your dashboard)
  • Mobile Applications - Download the My Blue Health Wellness Center app or GPS Activity app that allows you to choose from 16 activities, track distance, speed and calories burned and have all data synced to your portal 
Earn Rewards for Your Efforts!
Through the rewards tracker, you can earn incentives for your participation in LiveWell Vermont wellness programming and your efforts to stay healthy, get better or manage your illness. As you complete wellness activities, you'll earn points toward wellness incentives. Complete the following before November 1, 2015 to earn your 2015 incentives:
  • Online Personal Health Assessment: $50/50 Points - Complete your 2015 Health Assessment in the LiveWell Vermont wellness portal. Simply click on the "Health Assessment" image on your dashboard.
  • ONE Wellness Challenge: $25/25 Points - Join and complete a LiveWell Vermont wellness challenge administered through the wellness portal. Choose from 4 different challenges in 2015: Waist Management Challenge (January 19-March 1); Strength Training (April 6-May 17); Nutrition (July 20-August 16); and Stress Management (September 21-October 18). Registration opens on the portal approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of the challenge. Completion requirements vary with each challenge.
  • ONE Workshop: $25/25 Points - Complete a workshop of choice via the wellness portal by November 1, 2015. Workshops range from 1-12 weeks in duration. Simply click on the "Workshop" image on your dashboard to find one that meets your needs and interests!
  • Annual Physical Exam: $50/50 Points - Visit your doctor or health professional and get your Annual Physical Exam between November 1, 2014 and November 1, 2015. Complete the verification form on the wellness portal by clicking on the "Annual Physical Exam" picture on your dashboard.
With all these wonderful tools at your disposal, our hope is that your health and wellness goals and/or resolutions will seem a little less daunting. Should you have further questions regarding the LiveWell Vermont wellness portal or the One Life, Live it Well! 2015 Incentive Program, please contact the LiveWell Vermont staff at: OR (802) 828-2804. Enjoy!


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