The Value of a Simple Morning and Evening Routine

 Having a simple morning and evening routine can make a big difference in your life. Routines help you start and end your day in a positive way or a negative way. Intentionally setting a routine that utilizes "autopilot" in a good way sets you up for success without having to consciously choose optimally each time. When starting out, keeping your routine simple can help make it realistic. Below is a sample jumping off point, but no one routine works for everyone. After reading, take a moment to think about what would be helpful for you.

Morning Routine:

  1. Wake up at your preferred time: Get up with enough time to prepare for the day, but not so early that it prevents getting good sleep. 
  2. Stretch or exercise: A few minutes of stretching or light exercise wakes up your body and mind. 
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast: A good breakfast gives you energy and helps you focus. It doesn't need to be elaborate, it just needs to be a healthy option that works with your schedule and keeps you full.
  4. Plan your day: Take a moment to think about your activities for the day to ensure you are ready.
Evening Routine:
  1. Wind down: Spend some time relaxing, like reading a book or listening to music.
  2. Reflect on your day: Think about what went well and what you can improve. Be sure to avoid dwelling on negatives too long, and set a timer if you need to.
  3. Prepare for tomorrow: Lay out your clothes, pack your bag, and make a to-do list. Check the weather or do anything else that will help set you up for success tomorrow.
  4. Go to bed at a reasonable time: Leaving plenty of time to allow a good night's sleep is essential for your health and well-being. However, if you try to force yourself in bed way too soon you may find yourself tossing and turning, or tempted to turn to your phone which can make it harder to sleep. Experiment and aim for an appropriate time for you.

Routines bring structure to your day and reduce stress. They help you build good habits and make you feel more in control. By following a simple morning and evening routine, you can start your day with energy and end it with peace. Give it a try and see how much better you feel!


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