Open Enrollment Is Here!


It's that time of year again—open enrollment! This is your chance to review and make changes to your health insurance, dental, vision, and other benefits offered by our company. Here's a simple guide to help you navigate through open enrollment.

What is Open Enrollment?

Open enrollment is where you can sign up for, drop, or make changes to your benefits for the next year. It’s the only time you can make these changes unless you have a major life event, like getting married, having a baby, or losing other coverage.

Why is it Important?

This is your opportunity to ensure you have the right coverage for yourself and your family. Whether you’re happy with your current plan or think you might need something different, open enrollment is when you make those decisions. It’s important to review your options because your needs may have changed over the past year.

What Should You Do?

  1. Review Your Current Benefits: Look at what you have now. Are you satisfied? Did you use all the benefits? Do you need more or less coverage?

  2. Explore Your Options: During open enrollment, you have access to information on different plans and options. Take the time to read through this and see what might be best for you.

  3. Ask Questions: If you’re unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to ask. You can reach the Benefits department at or call 802.828.6700, option 1, option 3.

  4. Make Your Choices: Once you’ve reviewed everything, it’s time to choose. Make sure to submit your selections before the deadline.

Taking a little time now to review and select your benefits can make a big difference in your health and financial well-being next year. Don’t miss out on this important opportunity!


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