Meditation for Stress Management


Have you ever struggled to manage your stress with limited time and resources?

Managing stress can take many forms, from improving daily habits to finding new healthy coping mechanisms.  At times it can feel like all the best ways we can improve our lives are expensive, time consuming or both! However, there are options that are free and require minimal time to implement.  Meditation is one of them.

Meditation is the practice of mindfulness and helps to train attention and awareness.  The benefits are far reaching, but many of us seek meditation for helping us find calm in tense moments. This practice serves us best when done regularly and practiced during moments of low or no stress initially.  Once the meditative state is accessible, we can then use this technique in even in very high stress situations to manage stress, control anxiety, and improve our mental health.

There are different types of meditation.  Silent and guided ones are commonly thought of, moving meditations and nature meditations are varieties that may be more helpful for some of us.  Experiment, and enjoy! 


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