Working Out in the Heat

We all know that the risk of dehydration and sunburn are real in the summer, but did you know that working out in the heat is actually more taxing on the body than working out in the cold? 

During your workout, exercise naturally increases core body temperature.  In cold temperatures, exercise helps you stay warm, and a person won't actually burn extra calories from the cold unless they are shivering.  In hot temperatures, your body has the work of exercise, and will then need to expend extra energy to cool itself down. 

Outdoor workouts are still wonderful for your fitness, just be aware and respectful of your body’s cues:

  • Never push yourself because you “ought to be able to”
  • Stay hydrated
  • Add electrolytes to your water (a tiny pinch of salt and squeeze of lemon works great!)
  • During physically demanding activities, make sure you have access to shade or air conditioning in case you need it

For more information, click here.



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