Relating to and managing stress: Tips from our friends at Cerner
Relating to and managing stress
Stress is a normal part of life. However, overwhelming feelings of distress come from how we relate to it. What is our relationship to our stress? Do we see it as something positive (“I am alive, and I have things of value in my life which are worth protecting.”), or do we relate to stress as a negative (“I am so overwhelmed! I can’t handle this.”)?
If we perceive our stress as a bad thing, or feel that we are in danger, our body starts responding to that perceived threat. Typical reactions include a fight, flight, or freeze response.
Stress may be a natural part of life, but how we manage our stress is important. We should be able to regulate it so it does not escalate to distress. Too much stress, or poorly managed stress, can have some very unpleasant consequences.
Here are some tips to help manage your stress:
• Create a healthy routine/schedule.
Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well, stay hydrated, and have a healthy balance between work and personal life.
• Take breaks.
It is okay to walk away or put yourself in “time out.” Listen to music. Take a walk. Do a meditation exercise. When you come back, you’ll be in a better, more productive place.
• Engage your support system.
We all need someone to talk to. Find someone you trust. This can be a friend, family member, or a mental health professional.
• Laugh!
Humor and laughter are great stress releases that can help us keep things in perspective.
• Play!
Take time for things that are fun, or make you happy or joyful, or fill you with a sense of purpose and meaning. As adults, sometimes we forget we still need to play, hang out with friends, have fun, and enjoy hobbies.
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