Are your New Year's Resolutions SMART?
Make your New Years Resolutions SMART goals! What do you mean? Of course it's smart to make goals! But how can we increase the chances of us sticking to them? We can use the acronym S.M.A.R.T to clarify our goals, keep tabs on our success, and increase our confidence to reach our dreams! S- specific M- measurable A- achievable R- relevant T- time bound Let's break down a few of the most popular resolutions and turn them into SMART goals. 1. This year, I want to stress less. Specific- What actions are you going to take to help yourself manage your stress? M editation, walking, reading, bubble baths, yoga, or hiking Measurable- How many times are you going to do these de-stressing actions? How long will you spend each time? E very day! For one hour! Achievable- Did you choose a realistic number? Actually, maybe every other day for 30 minutes to start out. I'll increase when I'm ready! Relevant- Why is choosing to stress le...