New Year, New Challenge!

 Let's Get Down Dog!

Register: 1/1/21-1/11/21

Challenge Runs: 1/11/21-2/9/21 

Earn 30 points upon successful completion and earn a chance to win a Fitbit Charge 3 Fitness Activity Tracker!

Login to the Wellness Portal: www.MyWellnessVT

New year, new you! Start the year with a commitment to your mental and physical health! Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, and calms and centers the nervous system! Challenge yourself for the next 30 days to do more yoga, move more and try new relaxation techniques! Track “yes” each day to meet your goal!

There is a 3-day grace period that will run after the official challenge end date of 2/9. During this period, you can backlog any days you missed tracking during the challenge. Be sure you are backlogging during the challenge dates.  Once the grace period closes, you can no longer access the challenge. Points will load into your portal after the grace period expires.

2021 Back to Square One FAQ!


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