Are you Emotionally Well??

 8 Hallmarks of Emotional Wellness (From Psych Central):


1. The ability to live in the present without excessive worry about the future or rumination about the past. This present focus is called Mindfulness.

2. Having a sense of connection and interpersonal support. Those who are isolated and feel alone tend to be lonely and more unhappy than those with a strong sense of connection.

3. Those who are self-compassionate tend to be happier with themselves than those who have an active inner critic. Self-esteem based on achievement and being better than average does not ensure happiness, as it is is evaluative and judgmental. Those who are kind to themselves instead of beating themselves up for their mistakes and even failures enjoy much more peace of mind.

4. Holding onto grudges and being unforgiving will surely limit your emotional wellness. Those people who keep their life stuck in blame do not realize that forgiveness is truly a gift you give to yourself. Get bitter or get better – which do you choose?

5. Those who think rationally and have healthy thinking habits tend to be more emotionally fit. Healthy thinkers can identify their thinking errors, such as all-or-nothing reasoning, and they have faith that even if things don't turn out well, they still can.

6. Emotionally fit individuals know that no one has power over us unless we give it to them. They are in control of their feelings and do not blame others for how they think or feel.

7. Those who have a sense of humor and are able to laugh at life's ironies and mishaps will not be defined by bitterness and rigidity. They know that life is too serious to take themselves too seriously, and they see the lighter side of things.

8. Emotionally resilient people are grateful people. Instead of lamenting about what is missing in their lives, they appreciate what they have. They do their best, accept what can not be changed and find reasons to be grateful for it all.

Click here to take The Emotional Wellness Quizwhich will give you a snapshot of how you measure up in these eight areas of emotional health. How did you do? What areas do you need to work on? Take this quiz periodically to check your emotional wellness pulse and keep trying to improve your score, as you strive to be healthy in mind as well as in body – Aren’t you worth it?


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