U is for...

U! Self Care:

You know who is important? You are!! In the hectic day in day out of we often forget that we have to make ourselves a priority. One of our favorite sayings in wellness is “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. Have you ever tried to pour from an empty cup? Try it! It’s anticlimactic. Maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself boosts confidence and self-esteem. By taking time for yourself you are showing that you are important.
Care Yourself. Self-care. Fashion Typography Quote. Modern ...

A primary area people neglect to focus on themselves is work! With deadlines, meetings, phone calls and a never ending but always growing to do list, it is hard to find balance. Having a healthy work-life balance is instrumental in taking care of yourself. Being a workaholic can lead to stress, exhaustion and make you less productive. Not having a healthy work life balance might also lead to health problems like anxiety, depression or insomnia. USE YOUR BREAKS! Whether it is taking a few minutes to go for a walk, call a friend or to eat your lunch, it is important to step away from your work for a few moments. You’ll find you are sharper, more productive and possibly an increase in job satisfaction.

Responsibility is great, but you have to make sure you are finding time for meaningful activities as well. You are your responsibility! Make a date with yourself- enjoy an afternoon walk, read a book, watch your favorite movie, take a bath, have dinner with friends, or take up a new hobby! It doesn’t matter what you choose, it is just important that you do something for you!

Here are ten small, simple self-care habits from Forbes that anyone can get into:

1. Go for a run or a light jog.

2. Meditate or do deep breathing for five minutes.

3. Take a break when you need it.

4. Choose who you spend time with.

5. Laugh heartily at least once a day.

6. Eat green daily.

7. Avoid emotional eating.

8. Start a journal.

9. Learn to say ‘No.’

10. Stop overthinking.

There is no time like the present to start taking care of U!!!


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