Now I lay me down to sleep....

Sleep...what a wonderful thing! Getting a good nights rest can be critical to thinking clearly, maintaining a good mood and overall health. If you feel you are not getting the best nights sleep, maybe some of these small adjustments will help.

Your pillow: According to Arianna Huffington’s “The Sleep Revolution,” if you cannot remember the last time you purchased a pillow, it might be time to replace it! Pillows hang on to dead skin cells and dust mites which could encourage allergies to act up. Most people don't get the perfect nights sleep in between sneezing and sniffling.

Consistency: Keeping a consistent bedtime and routine can be pivotal in having a great nights sleep. Our bodies adapt to habits. If you condition your body to wind-down after certain activities around the same time each night. The best results come from bedtime routines that do not include technology- instead try reading or a few minutes of deep breathing before bed.

Temperature: The National Sleep Foundation recommends sleeping between 60–67ºF for optimal sleep. This is not typically the optimal temperature for your waking hours, it is at night. Consider reducing the thermostat before going to bed.


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