Kitchen Hacks for a Healthier Week

Do you feel a little rushed during the work week? Is it difficult to prepare healthy meals after a long day of work? These kitchen hacks may make all the difference in helping you to have a week of healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners!

1) Cook up a big batch of quinoa or rice (or both) to use for meals throughout the week.
You can add these to salads for a more filling lunch, scramble up with some eggs for a hearty breakfast, and use them for simple dinners throughout the week. If you want to make a larger batch, both quinoa and rice can be frozen for later use.

2) Prep some overnight oats. 
Overnight oats make a great healthy quick meal in the morning. You can prep the containers ahead of time making a different variety for different days of the week!
To make: put a serving of oats along with any toppings (chia seeds, dried cranberries, nuts, nut butters, etc) in a jar, add milk or non dairy milk of your choice and put in the fridge until you're ready to eat it. Top with extra fresh fruit if desired!

3) Smoothie freeze packs.
Put all ingredients in a bag for single portion smoothie. All you have to do is pull a bag out and add liquid!

4) Mason jar salads. 
Make a weeks worth of lunches by prepping mason jar salads. Add lettuce, your favorite veggies, lean proteins, quinoa, etc - get  creative with it!

5) Cut up fruits and veggies.
Prep veggies for meals and snacks throughout the week. Also cut up fruit for quick snacks or additions to breakfast.

6) Mason jar snacks.
Prep mason jar snacks such as cut veggies with hummus, fruit with natural almond butter, or yogurt and granola.
To make: take a small mason jar container and add veggies, fruits, or yogurt. Then take a small empty fruit cup container and fill with desired topping. Put the lid on top and screw shut until you're ready to use!

7) Plan your meals and grocery shop. 
Pick a day and time that works best for you and meal prep for the week. Remember to take into account breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. Make a list and then go to the grocery store.


  1. I make up my dry oatmeal (mix) in ziplock baggies. Then when ready to eat, add hot water and mix well. You can also do this with instant grits instead of instant oats.

  2. I cook steel cut oats in the crock pot overnight - all ready to go for breakfast in the morning. I love the texture of these oats!

  3. I cook a pot of brown rice on Sunday and divide it into one cup servings size containers to add it to meals during the week.

  4. The mason jar salads are great! especially for those of us who are on the road all the time. A couple apple slices at the bottom is a good barrier between the dressing the the salad greens.

  5. Thanks for the great suggestion, Chris. Enjoy!


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