Becoming a Mindful Eater

1.) Focus on Your Food
Being busy often means eating quickly. By taking a moment to focus on what you're eating and that you're eating, you'll have a chance to catch your breath through the day.

2.) Engage All Your Senses
Think about the smell, taste, and texture of your food. The more senses you can engage, the more satisfying your snack will be!

3.) Portion Your Food
It's tough to figure out the right portions and different people with different lifestyles have different needs. The key is to start out smaller and if you're still hungry when you're finished eating, you can always serve yourself more.

4.) Eat More Slowly
Eating slowly can help with digestion and help you be more aware of when you're full. If you're practicing focusing on your food and engaging your senses, eating slowly will come more naturally.

5.) Listen to Your Body
When we're rushing around all day, it can be easy to ignore cues from your body, but pay attention to these! Are you hungry? Make sure you eat something. Are you not hungry, but mindlessly snacking? Pay attention to what your body is telling you.

6.) Don't Skip Meals
Skipping meals can drain your energy and make you more likely to overeat later on in the day. Make sure you're eating regularly.

7.) Make Food You Love
Make healthy, nutritious, and good food for every meal and snack!


  1. Mindfulness in eating is always a good reminder - thanks!

  2. I add in the thought of all the hands that brought the food to my plate: farm to store to table.

  3. So true, Tracy. Thanks for sharing this thought!


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