Simple Ways to Add More Walking into your Day!

Walking is a great form of exercise. Whether you're using walking as part of a fitness routine or just looking for a quick energy boost in the middle of your day, these tips can help you add more steps in your day!

1.) Walk the block
In the morning before you get into your car to leave for work and in the evening when you get home, walk around the block once.

2.) Get your coffee somewhere else
Instead of going to your usual coffee shop, walk somewhere slightly further.

3.) Challenge your friends
Do you have a fitness tracker? Certain trackers let you challenge your friends, family, and coworkers. See who can get the most amount of steps!

4.) Skip the drive
Walk to the store, work, or to meet your friend instead of driving!

5.) Make it a social activity
Instead of meeting friends for coffee on the weekend, why not meet for a walk or hike?

6.) Take the stairs
Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.

7.) Take breaks
If you're sitting at a desk all day, make sure you stand up and move often! Go refill your water bottle. Instead of sending an email, walk to deliver the message.

8.) Park further away
When running errands or parking at work, find a spot further away to add extra steps in your day!


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