CDC launches an online Facebook event for those who want to quit smoking, but still need to take the first step.


Trying to quit smoking, but still need to take that first step? Set your quit date with CDC Tobacco Free on March 1st. Join them for 30 Smokefree Days of helpful tips and exclusive content on how to quit and stick with it. It’s never too late to quit!

What is it? 30 Smokefree Days is an online Facebook event for those wanting to quit smoking, but who still need to take the first step. Users simply RSVP to the event and they will join a supportive community with daily quitting inspiration. The event page will serve as a resource for people to find support and get helpful tips on how to quit smoking and stick with it.  Posts will include milestone badges, links to quit resources, quit tips, encouragement, and exclusive video content with words of advice from Tips participants

When is it? March 1st to March 30th
Additional support and tools: or 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)


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