The "Fountain" of Health

Are you looking to achieve optimal health? If so, include this pure and simple nutrient each and every day!

What am I referring to? You got it...water! Before you stop reading and write this idea off, check to see if you're hydrated. Are you thirsty? Do you have dry mouth? Are you tired? Is your urine bright or dark yellow in color? Do your joints ache? Do you have a headache? These are all the initial signs of dehydration...

Sadly, as many as 75% of adults suffer from milk, chronic dehydration, a condition that dramatically works against having optimal energy, the ability to exert yourself during exercise, weight loss efforts and overall health.

Water is the most essential element, next to air, for human survival. The combination of two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen makes up more than two thirds of your body and is involved in almost all bodily functions.

Here is a brief list of a few of the big ones:

  • Regulates body temperature, preventing heat exhaustion
  • Lubricates joints
  • Helps flush toxins from blood
  • Gives skin a clear, glowing complexion
  • Assists in digestion, pulling usable nutrients from foods
  • Aides in disease prevention (drinking 8 glasses of water per day has shown to reduce your chance of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%)

What about weight loss? 
You've probably heard that drinking water can help to lose or maintain weight, but did you ever wonder why?

Here are your answers:

  1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Fill your stomach with a glass of water before each meal and you'll find that you won't eat as much. Try drinking water throughout the day to help decrease your desire to snack impulsively.
  2. Water increases your body's ability to efficiently metabolize fat. Water allows your kidneys to function at their peak, which enables your liver to remove toxins and waste from your blood. When your liver is working efficiently, fat can be mobilized at a higher rate, meaning a decrease in your overall body fat.
  3. Water is the perfect substitute for high calorie beverages. When you trade your high calorie beverages for a tall glass of water, you'll cut out unneeded calories and boost your results!

What happens when you're not drinking enough water?
  1. Your body shifts into "preserve" mode, which means your more likely to store body fat.
  2. Headaches often result, which occurs because your brain is over 70% water.
  3. Bodily functions slow, leading to an overall decrease in energy levels.

Follow the following 5 Hydration Tips to avoid dehydration:
  1. Make a habit of beginning your day with a large glass of water and including a glass before each meal and one in between your meals.
  2. Always carry a bottle of water with you throughout your day. Keep a bottle in your car, at your desk at work and next to your bed.
  3. Too bland or not a fan of water? Add a slice of lemon, lime or orange to spice things up. Try slices of cucumber or meld berries at the bottom for a refreshing twist!
  4. Be mindful - hot summer days and increased exercise both increase your body's water requirements. Be sure to drink before, during and after exercise and bring a water bottle with you while you're out on a hot day.
  5. Do you drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, soda or energy drinks? If so, you'll want to drink approximately 2 times the amount in water. This is because caffeine causes our bodies to increase urine output, leading to dehydration when not replaced with water.


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