Desk Yoga: Try These 8 Great Moves!

PLEASE NOTE: Do not try these poses in a chair with wheels regardless of the demonstration photo.

The vast majority of us sit most of the day. In fact, only 20 percent of jobs include some sort of physical exertion, meaning the other 80 percent of jobs are sedentary by nature.These long hours spent hunched over computers, seated in meetings or making telephone calls have not only contributed to weight gain and poor posture, but are also responsible for our nation’s declining health.
The benefits of practicing yoga are well known, however few actually practice it. Research shows that individuals who practice stretching regularly enjoy better overall health and increased immunity, which can make a huge difference when spending hours in an office environment where germs are abundant. 

Yes, scheduling can be a challenge. Working an 8-12 hour day, managing family life and trying to run errands can make it seem impossible to add yet another "to-do" to your plate. No worries! Below you will find eight easy yoga moves you can practice right at your desk. Challenge yourself to try a few this week!

Arm stretch. Interlock your fingers together behind your back. Keeping your arms straight, lift them as high as you can while lifting your sternum. You can perform this seated as shown in picture to right. Hold for 30-45 seconds and release. Repeat for 8-10 repetitions, remembering to take slow, deep breaths.

Chair twist. Sit on the edge of your chair sideways with your feet flat on the floor and knees touching. Slowly twist around until you can grasp the chair back. As you inhale straighten your spine, and as you exhale try to stretch the back further by using your hands to gently assist a deeper twist. Repeat for 8-10 repetitions and switch sides.
Seated lower back stretch. While seated, widen your stance so that your feet are wider than hip-distance. Bending from your hips, lower your upper body as low as you can go, allowing your neck and shoulder muscles to relax and hang down freely. Slowly roll up and repeat.

Chair warrior pose. Stand with your right side toward the front of a non-rolling chair. Place your right leg over the side of the chair and extend your left arm toward the ceiling. Slowly rest your right hamstring over the chair, extending your left leg behind you so that the chair is supporting you. Place your right hand on your right thigh for additional support.Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and release. Repeat for a few repetitions and switch sides.
Tree pose. Begin by standing with your feet together. Slowly slide one foot up along the inside of the opposite leg until it reaches your thigh. Press your heel into your thigh and your thigh into your heel. If you have trouble maintaining balance, perform this move against a wall for support.
Seated hamstring stretch. Sit close to the edge of your chair. Extend one leg out in front of you with the toes pointing upward, allow the other leg to bend naturally. Keeping a straight back, gently lean forward at the hips until you feel the stretch along the hamstring. Repeat for a few repetitions and switch legs.This move can also be performed using both legs at once.
Neck stretch. While either seated or standing, maintain a straight back and tilt your head in one direction. Assist the stretch with your hand by reaching across the top of your head and applying gentle pressure. With your other arm, point your fingers down to the ground until you feel the stretch throughout the neck. Release and switch sides.
Mountain pose. Standing with your feet hip-width apart, raise both arms directly over your head with palms facing forward. Lean back as far as you can to open up the chest muscles. Repeat for 8-10 repetitions.
These moves can be performed daily in the comfort of your cubicle or office space. While they seem simple, they can provide you with a number of benefits. Some research has shown that yoga is effective at improving sleep patterns, while another study indicates that regular practice can reduce the number and severity of migraine headaches.
Additionally, the increased mind-body awareness can help keep food cravings and mindless eating tendencies in check, which will also help guard against weight-gain. Enjoy!


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