The Top 9 Reasons to Strength Train

1) To Build Muscle and Gain Strength: For the women out there, don't worry. This does NOT mean that you're going to ‘bulk up' or look too masculine. What WILL happen is that your arms, tummy and legs will become tighter, leaner and more defined.

2) To Lose Fat: When it comes to losing size, all that you want to see go is fat, not muscle. Strength training ensures that you maintain and grow those muscles and only lose fat. More muscle = a stronger and faster metabolism.

3) To Build Strong Bones: The older we get, the more important it is to maintain our bone density. A good strength training program is one of your best defenses when it comes to preventing osteoporosis.

4) To Alleviate Anxiety, Stress and Depression: Yes, we all know there are medications we can take to combat all of these symptoms, but the truth is that the pill are only covering up the symptoms - not fixing them. Strength training is more wholesome and effective way to work towards correcting these symptoms and eliminating them all together. And besides, who really wants pharmaceutical side effects?

5) To Sleep Better: Here's another pill you can stop taking once you start strength training. Study after study has proven that strength training improves sleep - both quality and the ability to fall asleep.

6) To Improve Chronic Back Pain: If you are one of the millions across the globe who suffer from back pain then you'll love the benefit of strength training decreasing, and over time possibly eliminating your pain.

7) To Improve Insulin Sensitivity: Today diabetes is a huge threat. Increase the likelihood of improving insulin sensitivity through regular, challenging strength training.

8) To Improve Good to Bad Cholesterol Ratio: Here is yet another pill that you could potentially stop taking while on a strength training routine. Blood pressure and heart health are of utmost concern, so why not give yourself the advantage of a strength training routine?

9) To Repair and Improve your Metabolism: Improving your metabolism helps to reduce body fat (remember, muscle burns calories faster and  more effectively than body fat) and to keep that body fat off - this is true even on the days that you aren't able to exercise. Pretty cool, right?

A solid strength training routine will give you amazing benefits that you'll see pretty quickly. If you're the type of person who enjoys quick results, strength training may be for you! You'll be toning your legs, strengthening  your core, and losing inches and pounds in no time!


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