How Much Exercise Should You Get and How to Make It Happen


Exercise is important for staying healthy and feeling good. Experts recommend regular exercise most days of the week. However, adding more into already full days can sound impossible. Here’s how to make exercise a regular part of your day.

How Much Exercise Do You Need? 

  • Cardiovascular Exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio, like brisk walking, 5 days a week. You can also do 15 minutes of vigorous exercise, like running, 5 days a week.
    • Moderate Exercise: Activities that make you breathe harder but still let you talk, like walking fast, biking, or dancing.
    • Vigorous Exercise: Activities that make you breathe much harder and make talking difficult, like running, aerobics, or swimming laps.
  • Strength training: Aim for at least two sessions per week, hitting all major muscle groups. As you improve these sessions may take a little more time than if you are very new to strength training.
  • Stretching: Find time for sessions at least twice per week. Aim to stretch as much of your body as possible, at as many angles as possible.

How to Make It Happen:
  • Break It Up: You don’t have to find time for very long sessions. Try splitting your cardio training into three 10-minute sessions throughout the day, or doing one stretch every hour as a brain break.
  • Find What You Enjoy: Choose activities you like, such as swimming, dancing, biking, or playing a sport. It’s easier to stick with exercise when it’s fun.
  • Incorporate It Into Your Routine: Walk or bike to work, take the stairs, or do active chores like gardening or cleaning.
  • Set Reminders: Use your phone or a calendar to remind you to be active.
  • Exercise with Others: Work out with a friend or join a group to stay motivated.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a log of your activities to see how much you’re improving.
  • Make It Fun: Listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks while you exercise.
  • Stay safe! Don't forget to listen to your body. If you have pain or are unsure about whether something is a good idea, talk to your doctor or a physical therapist.

By setting realistic goals and finding ways to include exercise in your daily routine, you can achieve the recommended amount of physical activity and enjoy the many benefits it brings. Start today and see how much better you feel!


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