Finding Time for Fitness


Staying active is important, as physical activity has benefits to your health and can provide great stress relief. However, during some seasons of life we find ourselves crunched for time.  If you are finding yourself with minimal time at this point in your life, having a few short workouts to fall back on can be instrumental in maintaining strength and functionality in your body. 

Try aiming for 15 minutes.  This is a time increment you could squeeze in on your lunch break, before or after work. If you can get in more than one, great! If you can't, appreciate what you did for your body.

To increase physical activity, it can also work well to combine movement with other needs, for a “two birds, one stone” approach. Consider:

  • Family activity like hiking, tag, Twister
  • Social sports like pickleball, broomball, tennis
  • Chores: wood stacking, vigorous cleaning or gardening, dog walking

Hopefully some of these ideas can help you find new ways to stay active! 


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