When is your Power Hour?

Fall can feel like a new beginning or the start of a busy season.

If you've got kids going back to school,
If you're starting classes in the fall semester,
or even if projects at work seem to pick up when summertime comes to a close,

Fall seems like a transition period. 

This makes fall a great time to check in with yourself to establish (or refresh!) routines that serve you during busy seasons. 

So how do we capitalize on this fresh start?
How do we support ourselves and our families, AND get everything done?

Try establishing a POWER HOUR.

Set aside one hour each day (or just a few days a week!) and dedicate the time to completing important tasks with the most focus and efficiency you can muster.

The first step is figuring out WHEN to schedule it.
Pick a time when you are feeling awake and productive. 
Pick a time that you know you have good energy during the day
Pick a time when other responsibilities won't infringe.
Pick a time when you're less susceptible to distractions. 

Is it the first hour you're awake?
Is it the first hour after you close your laptop for the day?
Is it your lunch hour?
Is it an hour between dinner and bedtime?

If you can't find a time that fits the above, what can you manipulate to help make it happen?
  • Can you do some jumping jacks, drink some icy water, or take a few deep breaths to energize yourself at a time of day you'd otherwise feel sleepy?
  • Can you ask someone else to share a responsibility (maybe enlist a neighbor to get the kids off the bus a few days a week)?
  • Can you go to bed earlier so you wake up earlier and more refreshed?
Make a to-do list, and... pedal to the medal!
Here are some things you can crank through during your Power Hour! What would you add to the list?

-tidying up the house (laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms)
-admin tasks like paying bills, scheduling appointments, and ordering things you need
-grocery shopping or meal planning
-getting in your workout


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