Corporate Cup Registration & Fee Reimbursement
If you haven't already, you can now register for the Corporate Cup! Grab some friends, think up a fabulous team name, and sign up! Friends/coworkers don't want to join you? Post in our Challenges Teams channel "walker" or "runner" and we will help you find a crew. Need more info on logistics before you commit? Busy on 5/11? Details on participating in the virtual version here! Blue Cross will reimburse fees through LiveWell Vermont for the Corporate Cup again this year for those employees who have Blue Cross through the State. To get the reimbursement, participants should sign up and pay using their own card, and to please choose State of Vermont as their employer (not Department of Health, DOC, or similar) so those eligible for reimbursement can easily be identified. After the race is over in May, LiveWell Vermont will get a list of SOV Employees from the race coordinator and will reimburse race fee and t-shirt cost (less a few dollars tax) to...