What is Habit Stacking?

Have you ever had a goal that you were dedicated to, really wanted to achieve but somehow just couldn't manage to prioritize it with everything else going on in your life?  Habit stacking is a way to turn tasks on autopilot, so you don’t need to rely on will power or motivation.   

For instance, let’s say you want a healthy body.  That is a very broad and vague goal.  So, you refine this to a smaller, more tangible goal: 10 minutes of strength training a day, 5 days a week.  We now have an idea for a habit that supports your goal of getting a healthier body and interests you.  

10 minutes is an amount of time that you know you can find in your day, but now how to make it happen?  Stack it with something you KNOW you will do!  For instance, if you know you will shower every evening, try leaving a note for yourself by the shower to complete your 10 minute strength training routine.  You can leave your mat and weights visible in the bathroom too, or a tablet with a workout video cued up and ready to go. 

Other ideas of healthy habits to implement:

  • Start drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up (leave it right next to your bed!)
  • Squat or wall sit while you brush your teeth
  • Start using the stationary bike/treadmill while you watch tv - you can even leave a reminder on the remote
  • Add gratitude journaling or meditation before bed

Start small, with one very easy new change.  Adding in new habits isn’t easy; it is going to require your brain to adjust to a new sequence of daily events.  Customize this technique to your life, and your goals.  Whatever you do, make your new habit as easy to get done as possible.  Once your new small habit is fully on autopilot, try adding another habit that interests you. 

Small changes make a huge difference over time. Enjoy the knowledge that you are going in the right direction!



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