What Does it Mean to Engage Your Core?
When someone says to “engage your core” what they mean is to engage the deepest layer of musculature within your trunk. Your abs are not just one muscle, they are many, many muscles that work as a group to support you in everything you do. Engaging deep muscles means pelvic floor muscles, a muscle called the transverse abdominis, even your diaphragm is involved. However, you don’t need to know all the musculature to get great core engagement.
Focus on:
- Drawing your navel in
- Making the circumference of your stomach smaller
- Lifting up through your pelvic floor
- And make sure you are still breathing!
Really our core should be engaged all the time, but for many of us this doesn't come naturally. Why? It is because engaging
your deep core muscles:
- Supports other muscles working together efficiently
- Supports your spine
- Helps with stability and balance
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