It's About Progress, Not Perfection!

What’s the number one strategy to improve your overall wellness and maintain your motivation?

Answer: Changing your mindset to the notion that it's all about progress, not perfection.

Wellness, like most things in life, comes from slow, steady, consistent effort and progression. To be fit and healthy you don’t have to be perfect or get better every time you move. You just need to do a little bit consistently and your success will compound!

Try the following ideas to maximize your movement this month:

  1. Increase the number of repetitions. If you did 5 today, try 6 next time.
  2. Increase the duration of exercise. If you walked for 10 minutes today, try 11 minutes tomorrow.
  3. Increase the speed of exercise. If you walked a mile in 15 minutes today, try walking next time in 14:55.
  4. Increase the number of exercises performed. If you tried two new moves today, try three next time.
  5. Increase the number of sets performed. If you did one set today, try 2 sets next time.
  6. Change up your equipment. If you did body weight exercises today, try resistance tubing or dumbbells next time.
  7. Decrease your rest interval. If you took a 2 minute rest between exercises, try resting for 1 minute and 45 seconds next time.
  8. Add a balance factor. if you exercised today on solid ground, next time try standing on a pillow or a BOSU. Note: Please exercise caution when trying balancing exercises!

Try the following ideas to improve your eating habits this month:

  1. Pack your lunch for work. If you packed it twice this week, try for 3 times next week.
  2. Drink more water. If you drink, on average, 24 ounces per day, try for 32 tomorrow.
  3. Eat breakfast. If you ate breakfast 3 times this week, try for 4 times next week.
  4. Limit sweets. If you ate 3 sweets today, try for just 2 tomorrow.
  5. Eat more veggies. If you at 1 serving today, try for 2 tomorrow.
  6. Eat more fruits. If you ate 2 servings today, try for 3 tomorrow.

Remember, “It’s about progress, not perfection.” Take a small step today!


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