Share the Road!
As the temperatures slowly warm up we are starting to get outside more for our runs, walks or bike rides. Safety is key and it is always helpful to review road safety guidelines. Please share this information with your friends and families. Remember it is just as important to practice these principles when you are driving your vehicle!
Share the Road Principles: Bicyclists and pedestrians have a legal right to be on Vermont's public right of ways (also known as roads). Here's some tips on Sharing the Road for any mode:
WALKERS and RUNNERS should should face traffic (on the left). Where crosswalks are provided, pedestrians should use crosswalks. Drivers are legally required to exercise due care, even if a walker or jogger is not obeying the law.
DRIVERS should respect bicyclists and pedestrians as legitimate users of the roadways. Please reduce your speed and wait until it is safe to pass.
Share the Road Principles: Bicyclists and pedestrians have a legal right to be on Vermont's public right of ways (also known as roads). Here's some tips on Sharing the Road for any mode:
the responsibility to obey traffic laws and ride safely on the right with other
traffic. By
law, bicycles have the rights and responsibilities of vehicles.
WALKERS and RUNNERS should should face traffic (on the left). Where crosswalks are provided, pedestrians should use crosswalks. Drivers are legally required to exercise due care, even if a walker or jogger is not obeying the law.
DRIVERS should respect bicyclists and pedestrians as legitimate users of the roadways. Please reduce your speed and wait until it is safe to pass.
- Slow down in towns and villages.
- Slow down when passing bicyclists or pedestrians.
- Give adequate passing distance-- at minimum 3' -- and more at higher speeds.
- On rural roads, move over 1/2 lane when passing.
- Don't pass if you can't see! It is not only unsafe but also illegal to pass either a car or a bicyclist at the top of a hill, at a blind corner, or when crossing railroad tracks.
- Understand that bicyclists might need to move left in the travel lane for many reasons: to avoid a pothole, to avoid car doors, to pass a slower bicyclist, or to turn left!
- Bicyclists may also take the travel lane when going "at speed," particularly when going downhill. Bicyclists may travel at speeds up to 40-50 mph going downhill!Know that bicyclists do have the right to ride two abreast in Vermont. The only exception is if you could pass safely if they were riding single file, but not when they are two abreast.
- Please don’t squeeze past when it’s not safe!
- Roads are for public travel including bicycling and walking -- not just for cars!
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