Trying to Avoid Getting Sick? Use this Checklist...

According to this article on WebMD, your lifestyle can affect how well your immune system can protect you from germs, viruses, and chronic illness.
Replacing unhealthy habits with healthier ones can help to keep your immune system strong. Do yourself a favor and check the following list to see if there is room for improvement in your current lifestyle. You may be surprised at the information you uncover:
  1. You're short on sleep. Researchers have found that most adults need approximately 7-8 hours of sleep to prevent high levels of stress hormones, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.
  2. You don't exercise. Regular exercise, such as 30 minutes of walking per day, can help your immune system fight infection, as well as boost your feel-good hormones, which may improve your mood and quality of sleep.
  3. Your diet is off. Eating and drinking too much sugar reduces the healthy bacteria in your body, leaving your immune system compromised. It is recommended to boost your intake of fruits and vegetables, which provides the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your body needs to fight off infection.
  4. You're always stressed. Yes, stress is part of day-to-day life. Chronic stress, however, leads to a suppressed immune system and a great likelihood that you'll get sick. Strive to incorporate lifestyle habits that help to reduce your stress, such as deep breathing, meditation, or simply slowing down to smell the roses.
  5. You're too isolated. Studies show that individuals who have connections and/or relationships with others tend to have a stronger immunity. Make an effort to talk to family members, friends and coworkers regularly and to get out of the house or office when you have the opportunity.
  6. You've lost your sense of humor. Research shows that even forced laughter can have a positive affect on our bodies. Laughing curbs the levels of stress hormones in your body, which results in an increase in white blood cells that help to fight infection.


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