VT Wellness Tip: Eating Because You're Bored?

People who overeat often do so because they're bored, rather than hungry.

How can you avoid munching when you're not hungry and avoid the needless calories?

The Weight-control Information Network says you should try to stay busy.

Here are some ideas :
  • Practice mindful eating - ask yourself if you're truly hungry; eat with intention (no distractions); while eating, slow down and ask yourself if the food tastes good or if it's not worth it.
  • Take regular breaks from your desk - stand up and stretch; take a trip to the water fountain; or instead of sending an email to a co-worker, take a quick trip to their office to give them the message.
  • Go for a quick walk around the building or outside.
  • If you're on a break from work, pick up a magazine or book to occupy your time.
  • Find an activity that occupies your hands.
  • Sip on an herbal tea or water.
  • Grab a healthy, low-fat snack you brought from home.
  • Chew gum.


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