What you think about, you bring about

A Path of Good Thoughts to take with throughout the day…

“Wake up every morning with the thought that something Wonderful is about to happen."

because when you look at each day this way, you will be able to…

 “Start Each Day With A Grateful Heart.”

 for that grateful heart will help you to…

 “Be so Happy that when others look at you they become happy too.”

 then, hopefully, all of that happiness will give you the confidence to understand that when you…

 Believe that you can, you are already halfway there.”

 and then once you get this you will…

 “Never lose your Sense of Wonder.”

 and with all of that wonder you will be able to…

 “Shine Your Light so that the Whole World can see it.”

 because that light will help you, most importantly, and above all…

 “Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you. Because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Roald Dahl

And as you find the hidden secrets in those unlikely places,

“Look up at the stars and truly believe who you are. Then BE PROUD, BE CONFIDENT, and most of all, BE HAPPY!”

Because, after all, THAT is the most important thing.
 Oh. And when all else fails….

Just Breathe


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