Your master clock

Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock.

Your sleep-wake cycle, or your master clock, is the most well-known. A healthy

master clock can promote consistent and restorative sleep. But when it is thrown

off, it can create significant sleeping problems, like insomnia. 

Here are some more interesting facts about the circadian rhythm:

It is influenced by light exposure. Natural light causes the master clock

to send signals that keep us awake and active. As night falls, the master

clock initiates feelings of sleepiness.

It exists in all types of organisms. Master clocks help flowers open and

close at the right time and keep nocturnal animals asleep during the day.

It influences all activities in the body. It plays a role in physical and

mental health, and has an influence on the immune system. It is vital for

the digestive system, and effects metabolism and weight.

Excessive caffeine can throw off your circadian rhythm. It can keep

you awake and interfere with the natural balance between sleep and


A stable sleep schedule is important for your master clock. Varying your

bedtime or morning wake-up time can throw off your clock.


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