BCBSVT presents: There is no such thing as bad weather!

 Webinar #2: There is no such thing as bad weather

Join us for a look into what keeps us from doing things that we know are good for us and how movement (be it exercise or parking farther from the grocery store entrance) can actually pay off in spades: less stress, more patience, better sleep, more energy, less depression and anxiety symptoms. 

When: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | 11 a.m. on Zoom

Presenter: Kevin Gallagher is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor in private practice in Burlington, Vermont. He has been practicing for 30 years working primarily with couples, families and adolescents. Kevin is also a workshop presenter nationally and internationally and consults with for profit and not-for-profit organizations. More about Kevin here.

Register: here.

Questions? Email bwell@bcbsvt.com.


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