H is for....

Oh HONEY, have you heard about some of the benefits of honey compared to refined sugars? If not, we are glad you’re here today reading this. Being a natural compound from our good friends the honeybees is already a step up from being factory developed. Here are 3 fun facts from honey:
  • Honey & Diabetes: According to Healthline, there are mixed reviews on honey and diabetes. It has been reported that honey can reduce several risk factors for heart disease common in people with type 2 diabetes. Honey has been found to do things that are good for the body like, lower LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and inflammation while raising HDL cholesterol. However, some studies have found that it can also increase blood sugar levels, but not as much as processed sugars. Honey may be slightly better than refined sugar for people with diabetes, it should still be consumed with caution.
  • Honey & Burns: Topical honey treatment has been used to heal wounds and burns since ancient Egypt and is still common today. Honey has been found to be an extremely effective at healing burns and wounds that have become infected after surgery. Healthline reported one study reported a 43.3% success rate with honey as a wound treatment. Researchers believe that honey’s healing powers come from its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects as well as its ability to nourish surrounding tissue. If you are suffering from a burn or infection consult your doctor to discuss a treatment plan, do not rely on honey without medical supervision.
  • Honey & Antioxidants: Scientists believe that the combination of organic acids and phenolic compounds like flavonoids gives honey its antioxidant power. Antioxidants have been linked to reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes and some types of cancer. For more information about Antioxidants, check out the A blog we posted in January!

At the end of the day honey is still sugar. It contains more benefits than the traditional table sugar and should be eaten in moderation. When purchasing honey aim to get natural honey. Some companies made plain syrup to honey, so read your labels!


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