There are many theories and ideas about food. Food is how we fuel our bodies, so we want to make sure we are giving our bodies the best! A general rule is to always pick the whole food over a processed option. Below, we make it simple! A whole food would be considered, ideally, as a food with only one ingredient. Whole foods look most like their natural composition i.e. corn on the cob, apple, chicken or a cucumber. A processed food is typically food with more than one ingredient. Food companies typically add additional sugars, preservatives, dyes, saturated and trans fats. WHOLE FOODS: Fresh fruits and vegetables Frozen fruits and vegetables Unsalted nuts Fresh meat, fish, eggs Low far milk (skim or 1%) Plain yogurt Low fat cottage cheese Low fat cheese PROCESSED FOODS: Fruit/vegetable juices Fruits canned in heavy syrup Fruit snacks/gummies Veggie or potato chips Processed meat (bacon, sausage, fish sticks, deli meats, et...